1 2014-03-15 00:12:36 <roybadami> My apologies for enitrely off topic question, this is the only place that comes to mind where someone will probably know the answer
  2 2014-03-15 00:14:50 <roybadami> Famous unsolved problem about complexity classed (kinda like P vs NP) but relating to quantum computability.... Someone famous made a bet of some huge amount of money that this would never be proved in one direction.... His wife said, "I don't believe you will lose that bet, but please don't make any more bets like that"
  3 2014-03-15 00:15:22 <roybadami> Could someone remind me?
  4 2014-03-15 00:19:36 <roybadami> It's something to do with teh quivalence (or not) of a complexity class defined in terms of a turing-equivalent machine and another complexity class defined in terms of a universal quantum computer
  5 2014-03-15 00:31:53 <wallet42> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/3870 : "sipa: I think this discussion is going in circles." hillarious!!
  6 2014-03-15 00:38:44 <Imbue> wallet42: LOL
  7 2014-03-15 00:40:22 <Imbue> i am not sure about 'all of the possible units are deprecated'
  8 2014-03-15 00:40:46 <Imbue> why should my ability to use micro-pi-bitcoins be removed
  9 2014-03-15 00:40:54 <Imbue> other units*
 10 2014-03-15 00:50:07 <roybadami> muBTC = milli-micro-bitcoins :-)
 11 2014-03-15 01:02:16 <theorbtwo> roybadami: They should have known better then to make a bet that can only be lost, but not one.
 12 2014-03-15 01:25:32 <CheckDavid> dims: hey
 13 2014-03-15 01:25:55 <CheckDavid> Is trying your code @ https://gist.githubusercontent.com/shirriff/8e6b5650361bbe78a055/raw/158f4263ad0f93436694fb84904b002400c640d7/keyUtils.py
 14 2014-03-15 01:26:09 <CheckDavid> But import ecdsa is not working
 15 2014-03-15 01:26:21 <CheckDavid> Maybe I have to download ?
 16 2014-03-15 01:27:05 <CheckDavid> Not that link sorry
 17 2014-03-15 01:27:33 <CheckDavid> This one: https://gist.github.com/dims/5000f40c539b6eac914f
 18 2014-03-15 01:28:29 <beachandbytes> use pip and install ecdsa
 19 2014-03-15 01:29:02 <sipa> not here, please
 20 2014-03-15 01:29:16 <beachandbytes> ?
 21 2014-03-15 01:29:20 <sipa> this channel is about development of bitcoin protocol and clients
 22 2014-03-15 01:30:19 <CheckDavid> Don't be mean. I am learning
 23 2014-03-15 01:30:41 <sipa> i'm not mean at all, and i wish you all luck; but this is offtopic here
 24 2014-03-15 01:30:45 <beachandbytes> Not like the channel is overflowing with developer chat
 25 2014-03-15 01:30:49 <CheckDavid> Thanks beachandbytes
 26 2014-03-15 01:31:07 <beachandbytes> not really sure how keys are offtopic in bitcoin-dev
 27 2014-03-15 01:32:23 <sipa> learning how to import python packages is
 28 2014-03-15 01:32:25 <CheckDavid> Its because I'm so noon he can't see the relation lol
 29 2014-03-15 01:32:36 <CheckDavid> *noob
 30 2014-03-15 01:33:15 <CheckDavid> I will Google next time
 31 2014-03-15 01:37:39 <beachandbytes> true sipa
 32 2014-03-15 01:41:25 <roybadami> You should never use IRC at noon
 33 2014-03-15 01:41:39 <CheckDavid> Why?
 34 2014-03-15 01:41:43 <roybadami> (sorry, I'm in a silly mood LOL)
 35 2014-03-15 01:42:25 <CheckDavid> It's  1:42 in your clock roybadami
 36 2014-03-15 01:48:54 <warren> cfields: submit a pull request to add your GPG key?
 37 2014-03-15 02:15:46 <fanquake> ;;blocks
 38 2014-03-15 02:15:46 <gribble> 290607
 39 2014-03-15 02:25:41 <warren> petertodd: Google tells me that you made another revolution around Sol roughly around today.
 40 2014-03-15 02:26:36 <sipa> warren: http://abstrusegoose.com/304
 41 2014-03-15 02:28:03 <warren> sipa: indeed
 42 2014-03-15 02:53:42 <dgenr8> Hi all
 43 2014-03-15 02:53:48 <dgenr8> I am testing PR #3354
 44 2014-03-15 02:54:00 <dgenr8> Having trouble generating double spends easily
 45 2014-03-15 02:54:49 <dgenr8> Using regtest with a netowrk node and two end nodes
 46 2014-03-15 02:55:47 <dgenr8> using bitcoin-qt.  Gavin gave me a hint that restarting node clears mempool.
 47 2014-03-15 02:56:26 <dgenr8> Necessary because sending node immediately detects the double spend I try to generate
 48 2014-03-15 02:57:54 <dgenr8> BUT I can see in debug.log that wallet is loading the transactions from disk at startup.  So I don't know what he meant really.
 49 2014-03-15 02:59:12 <sipa> you'll need the raw transaction api toncreate double spends
 50 2014-03-15 02:59:24 <sipa> the normal wallet code won't let you
 51 2014-03-15 03:02:01 <dgenr8> I am using sendrawtransaction but I just copied the hex from txn 1 ... do I need to change it somehow to get past some kind of simple dupe check?
 52 2014-03-15 03:08:41 <dgenr8> Now I'm thinking clone the wallet before sending tx 1, then launch clone offline and use coin control to send tx 2 from same prevout, then connect.  I'll try that
 53 2014-03-15 03:57:00 <firelegend> Where in the source code of Bitcoin do I find the network protocol part?
 54 2014-03-15 04:00:03 <sipa> protocol.h/cpp, net.h/cpp, main.h/cpp
 55 2014-03-15 04:00:46 <sipa> and the serialization of some datastructures in core.h
 56 2014-03-15 04:03:39 <firelegend> thanks
 57 2014-03-15 05:30:03 <justanotheruser> Is there any way to force -reindex to think it's succeeeded?
 58 2014-03-15 05:30:34 <jcorgan> there seems to be some stray files in the repo for both master and 0.9.0 branches, or it could be intentional, but it looks like the source tree for bitcoinrpc got overlayed on top and checked in to the bitcoin repo
 59 2014-03-15 05:31:14 <jcorgan> README, setup.py, bitcoinrpc/ and jsonrpc/
 60 2014-03-15 05:32:28 <jcorgan> seems to date from Feb 26: Squashed 'qa/rpc-tests/python-bitcoinrpc/' content from commit e484743
 61 2014-03-15 05:32:43 <jcorgan> which is commit 260cf5c0a
 62 2014-03-15 05:55:33 <sipa> justanotheruser: that's impossible
 63 2014-03-15 05:55:40 <sipa> justanotheruser: reindex means rebuilding the index
 64 2014-03-15 05:55:49 <sipa> justanotheruser: if it's not done, you don't have a fully indexed chain
 65 2014-03-15 06:04:05 <mrkent> How does one list all bitcoind accounts for which transactions/moves have occured
 66 2014-03-15 06:05:40 <justanotheruser> mrkent: bitcoind listaccounts
 67 2014-03-15 06:05:53 <justanotheruser> then filter the json by accounts with non-zero values
 68 2014-03-15 06:06:17 <justanotheruser> Accounts are only for receiving though, you don't send from an account
 69 2014-03-15 06:07:01 <mrkent> justanotheruser, hum.. anyway to count those too?
 70 2014-03-15 06:07:12 <venzen> mrkent: also try bitcoind listtransactions
 71 2014-03-15 06:07:21 <mrkent> Like users who received internal transfers and withdrew
 72 2014-03-15 06:07:45 <justanotheruser> mrkent: Internal transfers? Like offchain?
 73 2014-03-15 06:08:05 <mrkent> justanotheruser, yes, via move command
 74 2014-03-15 06:11:21 <venzen> mrkent: you seem to be viewing the wallet as a multi-account journal, but "account" in the context of the wallet is simply a label and nothing more - for multiple users you should think along the lines of multiple wallets or some other custom app - that is the general advice i see repeated here a lot
 75 2014-03-15 06:12:49 <justanotheruser> mrkent: I'm not sure if we are on the same page. You can send from an account, but it isn't those outputs necessarily. You can move, but it isn't on-chain.
 76 2014-03-15 06:15:49 <mrkent> justanotheruser, we are on same page
 77 2014-03-15 06:16:52 <justanotheruser> mrkent: Are you making a web wallet?
 78 2014-03-15 06:19:25 <mrkent> justanotheruser, not exactly but idea is same
 79 2014-03-15 06:20:29 <justanotheruser> mrkent: well you can check received with accounts, check sent with accounts and manage internal without bitcoind
 80 2014-03-15 06:25:17 <cystic850___> hello
 81 2014-03-15 06:25:46 <cystic850___> can anyone give me a quick hand?
 82 2014-03-15 06:27:35 <cystic850___> I'm trying to setup a local exchange for testing purposes based on this script at https://github.com/zelles/BitcoinExchange I have configured everything, and rpc logins, but it still says "Registrations are disabled."
 83 2014-03-15 06:33:20 <mrkent> justanotheruser, thanks that works
 84 2014-03-15 06:44:39 <cystic850___>    if($coo_coo=="tootoo") { // nvm designed to make me coo_coo
 85 2014-03-15 07:05:52 <mrkent> cystic850___, seems like readme says The trading section is not fully completed at this time
 86 2014-03-15 07:06:53 <cystic850___> Yea, not sure what they mean by that.. I just installed to play with it tho.. got it running on test nets
 87 2014-03-15 07:07:57 <cystic850___> once i made a variable called $coo_coo and defined it as tootoo registrations started to work.
 88 2014-03-15 07:08:48 <cystic850___> Sent 10 test LTC to my acct and it sees it waiting for confirmations.. anyone have some testnet btc I can test trade with?
 89 2014-03-15 07:11:18 <cystic850___> need testnet btc: mtuYjiaX6EzwWb1mYVm75fZXKEccGmRwXi
 90 2014-03-15 07:12:25 <ne0futur> eh I love this way tomake sure users have to understand the code
 91 2014-03-15 07:12:40 <ne0futur> i ve seen that kind of detail in many open source software
 92 2014-03-15 07:12:53 <ne0futur> wont work until you understand a very basic coding detail
 93 2014-03-15 07:16:14 <he1kki> Do I need to re-index blockchain when upgrading from bitcoind0.9rc1 -> rc2
 94 2014-03-15 07:16:29 <fanquake> No
 95 2014-03-15 07:17:03 <he1kki> grhm, meant rc2 -> rc3 but I suppose it doesn't make a difference
 96 2014-03-15 07:33:10 <cystic850___> I wish these coins would confirm i'm ready to see how broken this exchange really is
 97 2014-03-15 07:33:42 <cystic850___> good to know the xchange won't let you spend the coins til they confirm
 98 2014-03-15 07:42:04 <Arbynog> any tips on getting this confirmed/fixed?
 99 2014-03-15 07:42:05 <Arbynog> Status: 0/unconfirmed  Date: 3/13/2014 15:20 PST
100 2014-03-15 07:42:05 <Arbynog> Transaction fee: -0.0001 BTC  Net amount: -0.38489441 BTC
101 2014-03-15 07:42:05 <Arbynog> Transaction ID: e3f0dfdbf59158e9cd9c5b8c2ec0cbdbb34030b6058394477e7e2c1bc28e95a8
102 2014-03-15 07:42:12 <Arbynog> been about 36 hours
103 2014-03-15 07:42:58 <he1kki> I built 0.9rc3 with configuration options --enable-wallet=false --with-incompatible-bd and now make seems to fail because of wallet related errors.
104 2014-03-15 07:43:37 <he1kki> Is there something wrong with those parameters or should I start writing issue ticket?
105 2014-03-15 07:44:14 <Luke-Jr> ………..
106 2014-03-15 07:44:52 <Luke-Jr> do we seriously need to rename --with-incompatible-bdb to --with-the-understanding-that-using-this-bdb-may-break-my-wallet ?
107 2014-03-15 07:44:57 <gmaxwell> he1kki: what does "seems to fail" mean?
108 2014-03-15 07:45:10 <gmaxwell> Luke-Jr: see the first half of his sentence however.
109 2014-03-15 07:45:34 <he1kki> Luke-Jr: I'm building it in debian only for running daemon, not used with wallets
110 2014-03-15 07:45:48 <Luke-Jr> err
111 2014-03-15 07:45:59 <cystic850___> Any idea why my time keeps not updating even though I put a new battery in?
112 2014-03-15 07:46:02 <Luke-Jr> then why are you specifying --with-incompatbile-bdb?
113 2014-03-15 07:46:11 <Luke-Jr> also, --enable-wallet enables, you want --disable-wallet
114 2014-03-15 07:46:22 <gmaxwell> if you've disable the wallet we won't link bdb at all.
115 2014-03-15 07:46:36 <wumpus> yes you need --disable-wallet, not --enable=wallet=false
116 2014-03-15 07:48:00 <he1kki> aa, I thought it was changed as it was --disable-wallet previously.
117 2014-03-15 07:48:15 <he1kki> Probably typoed it or something
118 2014-03-15 07:48:19 <wumpus> I'm fairly sure it's documented like that in configure --help :)
119 2014-03-15 07:49:12 <shesek> if a transaction pay hefty fees and uses an unconfirmed transaction as its input, does it effect the priority of that input transaction?
120 2014-03-15 07:49:39 <shesek> I believe it was mentioned on the ml some time ago as child pay for parent
121 2014-03-15 07:49:55 <shesek> not quite sure if it was suggested or its implemented
122 2014-03-15 07:49:58 <wumpus> I'm not sure whether any miners implement cpfp yet
123 2014-03-15 07:50:01 <gmaxwell> FWIW, I checked and --enable-wallet=no works  but not --enable-wallet=false
124 2014-03-15 07:50:41 <wumpus> right, that makes sense
125 2014-03-15 07:50:58 <gmaxwell> somewhere between 15% and 32% of hashpower does.
126 2014-03-15 07:51:35 <Luke-Jr> shesek: yes
127 2014-03-15 07:51:45 <shesek> gmaxwell, ah, cool. do you happen to know which pools?
128 2014-03-15 07:51:46 <Luke-Jr> gmaxwell: more like 32-50% now I think
129 2014-03-15 07:52:02 <gmaxwell> Luke-Jr: I wasn't sure how far $other_parties were in their deployment.
130 2014-03-15 07:52:03 <Luke-Jr> shesek: Eligius and BTCGuild I think
131 2014-03-15 07:52:16 <Luke-Jr> EclipseMC too IIRC
132 2014-03-15 07:52:56 <shesek> great. thanks!
133 2014-03-15 07:53:15 <Luke-Jr> of course, relaying is another matter..
134 2014-03-15 07:53:32 <justanotheruser> What pools are connected to the free relay tx policy node?
135 2014-03-15 07:59:12 <lagarde> What is the purpose of this rule in tx validation "For each input, if we are using the nth output of the earlier transaction, but it has fewer than n+1 outputs, reject this transaction "?  Doesn't this mean you can't spend the last output of a transaction?
136 2014-03-15 08:01:32 <he1kki> Oh wau. Okay, I used --without-wallet for some reason before why I ended up using incompatible libdb. Thanks for help.
137 2014-03-15 08:01:44 <gmaxwell> lagarde: no, whoever wrote that text wanted to cause people's brains to melt with 0/1 indexing confusion.
138 2014-03-15 08:02:47 <lagarde> oh I see know.  sounds like something satoshi would do.
139 2014-03-15 08:03:00 <gmaxwell> Satoshi most certantly did not write that text.
140 2014-03-15 08:03:14 <lagarde> jk
141 2014-03-15 08:03:55 <lagarde> referring to his talent for doing things the cryptic way for no discernible reason.
142 2014-03-15 08:09:00 <shesek> it is quite an unwieldy way to explain that... it could've been simply something like "reject transactions with inputs that refer to non-existent outputs"
143 2014-03-15 08:09:20 <shesek> its more like a pseudo code written in English
144 2014-03-15 08:10:30 <wumpus> so propose a better wording and submit a pull?
145 2014-03-15 08:12:20 <gmaxwell> it's a wiki, edit the page.
146 2014-03-15 08:12:55 <shesek> yeah, I just looked up where its from
147 2014-03-15 08:13:03 <shesek> I don't have edit rights to the wiki
148 2014-03-15 08:13:23 <Luke-Jr> SomeoneWeird:
149 2014-03-15 08:13:27 <shesek> also, that pseudo-code-style-of-explaining makes more sense in the context where its written
150 2014-03-15 08:13:42 <shesek> though that 0/1 indexing is quite confusing
151 2014-03-15 08:14:14 <SomeoneWeird> "There is no user by the name "shesek"."
152 2014-03-15 08:14:43 <shesek> I don't have a wiki account... but I'll open one
153 2014-03-15 08:14:57 <fanquake> Anyone compiling master with Xcode 5.1?
154 2014-03-15 08:15:17 <shesek> opened
155 2014-03-15 08:15:29 <SomeoneWeird> shesek, done, you can edit :)
156 2014-03-15 08:15:36 <shesek> thanks
157 2014-03-15 08:16:09 <shesek> shouldn't this cost some bitcoins?
158 2014-03-15 08:16:19 <shesek> to ensure I'm not a spammer and all that :P
159 2014-03-15 08:16:56 <Arbynog> any insight into my 36 hr old transfer with 0 confirms? running qt 0.8.5
160 2014-03-15 08:17:24 <Arbynog> fee was only .0001 which i think might be the problem, but not sure what i can do about it now
161 2014-03-15 08:17:52 <SomeoneWeird> shesek, if you're talking on irc, chances are you're not a spammer :)
162 2014-03-15 08:18:01 <Arbynog> will this eventually get picked up and do i need to leave my client running?
163 2014-03-15 08:18:20 <olalonde> gmaxwell: http://syskall.com/blind-liability-proof/ (cc iwilcox, dooglus)
164 2014-03-15 08:19:28 <he1kki> Okay, rc0.9rc3 seems to be running ok with my quite common Debian setup. Is there a need to report if I didn't notice any bugs?
165 2014-03-15 08:20:52 <gmaxwell> peer review please https://en.bitcoin.it/w/index.php?title=Protocol_rules&diff=45026&oldid=33935
166 2014-03-15 08:21:06 <gmaxwell> he1kki: it's good to hear positive reports too.
167 2014-03-15 08:21:47 <he1kki> gmaxwell: Is it okay if I just drop comment like that here in irc?
168 2014-03-15 08:22:24 <he1kki> I suppose I could do some form filling if required, but it would be certainly easier if I could just drop message here
169 2014-03-15 08:24:29 <shesek> "Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it"
170 2014-03-15 08:24:45 <shesek> gmaxwell, I was just editing that too... you beat me to it
171 2014-03-15 08:25:50 <olalonde> great minds think alike isn't it
172 2014-03-15 08:26:06 <shesek> olalonde, looks pretty cool. I'd add an option to export an object with the user as the key and the partial tree as the value
173 2014-03-15 08:26:39 <shesek> to make it easier to import that data and make it available to users
174 2014-03-15 08:26:57 <olalonde> shesek: you mean like a download link instead of copy/pasting?
175 2014-03-15 08:27:32 <shesek> I mean an option to export user->partial-tree mapping in bulk
176 2014-03-15 08:28:01 <olalonde> shesek: ah I see. I suppose it could be good, thanks
177 2014-03-15 08:28:01 <shesek> a download would be nice, but just displaying it in a textarea would work too
178 2014-03-15 08:28:26 <olalonde> the CLI tool already kind of does that but I suppose some people might prefer to use the web tool
179 2014-03-15 08:28:31 <cystic850___> I wonder If I would get in trouble for running an open source exchange that only takes testnet coins. experimental purposes only ya know? no monetary value
180 2014-03-15 08:28:35 <shesek> if I were the operator of some system where I wanted to publish that proof to my users, I'd need some convenient way to take that data and import it to my database
181 2014-03-15 08:28:37 <ne0futur> gmaxwell: many thanks for improving / updating the wiki on this kind of things
182 2014-03-15 08:28:45 <olalonde> right
183 2014-03-15 08:29:17 <ne0futur> gmaxwell: can i donate a small 0.02 btc hoping for more ? ;)
184 2014-03-15 08:29:49 <he1kki> Has anyone considered to try to import blockchain to elasticsearch block-by-block for analysis?
185 2014-03-15 08:32:10 <lagarde> Just refreshed and noticed that tx validation comment changed?  If someone here did it you might want to know that the same comment is repeated verbatim under block messages heading.  Step 16(3)
186 2014-03-15 08:32:14 <olalonde> he1kki: I know there are some tools to sync the blockchain to a relational database. isn't eleasticsearch for plaintext search?
187 2014-03-15 08:32:45 <lagarde> sorry step 16(2)
188 2014-03-15 08:32:50 <shesek> what I'd love to do is get the transaction history into a graph database and play around with that
189 2014-03-15 08:33:15 <shesek> been working a lot with neo4j recently... I could do some pretty cool things with that
190 2014-03-15 08:33:28 <shesek> too bad I don't have nearly enough resources for that
191 2014-03-15 08:33:57 <olalonde> I recall there was a website that displayed the transactions as an interactive graph
192 2014-03-15 08:34:53 <he1kki> olalonde: elasticsearch is noSql db which handles integers and other datatypes quite well
193 2014-03-15 08:35:38 <lagarde> gmaxwell:
194 2014-03-15 08:36:33 <olalonde> ok
195 2014-03-15 08:38:10 <olalonde> can't find the link :(
196 2014-03-15 08:38:34 <lagarde> I think orientdb has some visualisation tools.  A very young project but being very actively developed and has some very good performance compared to neo4j
197 2014-03-15 08:39:02 <olalonde> cool
198 2014-03-15 08:40:14 <shesek> its not just about visualization though, what's interesting is being able to run graph traversal algorithms on the data
199 2014-03-15 08:41:32 <petertodd> warren: indeed I did, thanks!
200 2014-03-15 08:41:37 <lagarde> I would think you could do an awful lot of things to break anonymity with graph dbs
201 2014-03-15 08:42:01 <he1kki> Okay. I think I will spend this weekend with trying to do that import into elasticsearch. Let me know if you are trying something similar, as it would be a really good idea to combine resources when handling this amount of data. My VPS with 16Gb RAM will not be enough for full blockchain.
202 2014-03-15 08:42:19 <olalonde> ah I think I found it...
203 2014-03-15 08:42:21 <lagarde> could potentially even attack coinjoin by following change
204 2014-03-15 08:42:31 <cystic850___> Are there any exchanges on the Tor network?
205 2014-03-15 08:42:32 <olalonde> he1kki: shesek: https://github.com/thallium205/BitcoinVisualizer#blockviewercom (it used neo4j)
206 2014-03-15 08:43:28 <olalonde> cystic850___: you should probably ask on #bitcoin
207 2014-03-15 08:44:06 <he1kki> olalonde: thanks. blockviewer.com does seem like what i'm trying to achieve
208 2014-03-15 08:44:16 <shesek> olalonde, ah, very interesting!
209 2014-03-15 08:44:19 <shesek> too bad its offline now
210 2014-03-15 08:44:40 <cystic850___> thanks will do
211 2014-03-15 08:45:14 <shesek> I wonder how much it cost him to run that
212 2014-03-15 08:47:49 <olalonde> yup.. I think he said on reddit that it was too expensive to run eheh
213 2014-03-15 08:47:53 <olalonde> maybe that's why it's down
214 2014-03-15 08:49:14 <olalonde> would be nice to extract the code that syncs the neo4j database with the blockchain into a standalone project
215 2014-03-15 09:04:04 <maaku> lagarde: you can't map changes to outputs in CJ
216 2014-03-15 09:10:47 <ne0futur> shesek: if you can code that i can probably provide enough resources
217 2014-03-15 09:11:21 <shesek> ne0futur, looks like thallium205 already did that
218 2014-03-15 09:11:59 <shesek> his repository contains all the code he used to load that data into neo4j and add some interesting relations
219 2014-03-15 09:12:18 <ne0futur> cool
220 2014-03-15 11:04:12 <quench> would I be able to have some help debugging a bitcoin node?
221 2014-03-15 11:04:47 <quench> no matter what happens, it seems to get stuck loading from the boostrap.dat file, seeing every single block after 100,000 or so as orphan.
222 2014-03-15 11:05:23 <quench> ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK 0, prev=000000000000041e017c6573705b9ff9392fc01df8631d66344c7b70a6b6115a
223 2014-03-15 11:05:38 <quench> every block is seen as orphan index zero, rather than increasing.
224 2014-03-15 11:16:21 <quench> corrupt bootstrap.dat. got it.
225 2014-03-15 11:37:56 <jchp> itcoin
226 2014-03-15 11:41:31 <benrcole> cool
227 2014-03-15 11:55:23 <embicoin> Hello, I have a naive question about the bitcoin client, how is it managing dns seeds since they are not hardcoded anymore?
228 2014-03-15 11:55:58 <embicoin> Or please if you can redirect me to a web were I can get recent information about that :(
229 2014-03-15 11:57:01 <embicoin> I researched a little, but every info I find is from previous versions, not for 0.9
230 2014-03-15 11:58:50 <gmaxwell> embicoin: nothing has changed.
231 2014-03-15 11:59:49 <embicoin> gmaxwell: then, my question is, how a person who runs the bitcoin client for the first time connects with the nodes? Is the info on the wiki?
232 2014-03-15 12:00:52 <gmaxwell> embicoin: by getting initial nodes from the dnsseeds and failing that from the big hardcoded list of peers.
233 2014-03-15 12:01:19 <embicoin> I found info on bitcoin.stackexchange about this function:
234 2014-03-15 12:01:22 <embicoin> static const char *strMainNetDNSSeed[][2] = {
235 2014-03-15 12:01:24 <embicoin>     {"bitcoin.sipa.be", "seed.bitcoin.sipa.be"},
236 2014-03-15 12:01:37 <embicoin> but I can't find that function anymore in github code
237 2014-03-15 12:02:04 <gmaxwell> embicoin: it's in chainparams.cpp
238 2014-03-15 12:02:09 <embicoin> well, not exactly a function, that array better said
239 2014-03-15 12:02:25 <embicoin> ahhh ! ok, thank you gmaxwell I will head to that :P
240 2014-03-15 12:42:25 <sipa> embicoin: it's still there
241 2014-03-15 14:07:53 <btc-one> hi
242 2014-03-15 14:08:16 <btc-one> could I ask something ;-)
243 2014-03-15 14:08:49 <jgarzik> petertodd, Not a word of credit on your python-bitcoinlib announcement, I notice
244 2014-03-15 14:08:56 <jgarzik> It's as if you wrote it all yourself
245 2014-03-15 14:09:45 <btc-one> is btc client 0.9 already  ready to use ....  rc2  or rc3 ?
246 2014-03-15 14:10:37 <btc-one> or is it still no good Idea to use it for real transcations ?
247 2014-03-15 14:11:20 <jgarzik> btc-one, yes, ready to use
248 2014-03-15 14:15:28 <btc-one> I got a Problem with a transcation I did insert 3 days ago ...
249 2014-03-15 14:15:54 <btc-one> after 1 day it did eve show up in blockchain.info
250 2014-03-15 14:16:22 <btc-one> status very soon (high priority)
251 2014-03-15 14:16:38 <btc-one> but it still did not get inserted in any block
252 2014-03-15 14:16:49 <murr4y> hi guys. is a var_str encoded with utf-8? https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_specification#Variable_length_string
253 2014-03-15 14:17:21 <btc-one> I did  use 0.9 RC2 at this time
254 2014-03-15 14:17:27 <jgarzik> murr4y, no
255 2014-03-15 14:17:34 <btc-one> could it bee a problem of 0.9 ?
256 2014-03-15 14:17:54 <murr4y> jgarzik: ok, then what? just ascii?
257 2014-03-15 14:18:42 <btc-one> wanne know the tx ID ?
258 2014-03-15 14:21:29 <btc-one> and yes .... there is a fee ,,,,,  0.0003 BTC :-)
259 2014-03-15 14:21:29 <gribble> Error: ",,," is not a valid command.
260 2014-03-15 14:21:46 <btc-one> and yes .... there is a fee ,,,, 0.0003 BTC :-)
261 2014-03-15 14:21:46 <gribble> Error: ",," is not a valid command.
262 2014-03-15 14:22:05 <btc-one> and yes     there is a fee     0.0003 BTC :-)
263 2014-03-15 14:23:06 <btc-one> soneone wanne have a look on it ?
264 2014-03-15 14:24:25 <btc-one> tx id       d0b18bee3714ef9074418c791f7e1f8256b1d7b9728be4ee76b38dd202847b92
265 2014-03-15 14:26:31 <petertodd> jgarzik: yeah, your right, my apologies
266 2014-03-15 14:27:02 <petertodd> jgarzik: I had it in my mind that everyone knew where it came from - hence the "my fork" part - but of coruse that's totally wrong
267 2014-03-15 14:28:50 <btc-one> jagarzik: do you think it could be a 0.9 problem ?
268 2014-03-15 14:29:25 <btc-one> should I try a double spend ? .. like inserting my priv keys into a new wallet and spend the coins again ?
269 2014-03-15 14:29:38 <btc-one> or should I still wait ?
270 2014-03-15 14:34:19 <btc-one> should I ask later about it ?
271 2014-03-15 14:34:42 <petertodd> jgarzik: I hope that clears things up to your satisfaction
272 2014-03-15 15:37:44 <ebfull> what happens when you receive an orphan tx, and then receive a non-orphan tx that spends from one or more of the inputs of the orphan tx
273 2014-03-15 15:37:50 <ebfull> is the orphan tx removed from mapOrphans
274 2014-03-15 15:37:55 <ebfull> is the new tx rejected?
275 2014-03-15 15:39:15 <btcdesigner_> anyone looking for design ui/ux help? looking to participate in projects, particularly mobile.
276 2014-03-15 15:40:32 <dogeplops> depends what size project ur looking for
277 2014-03-15 15:42:48 <btcdesigner_> open to projects of most sizes... i've got about ~30-40hrs/week to spend.
278 2014-03-15 15:43:33 <daybyter> that's a lot.
279 2014-03-15 15:45:11 <sipa> ebfull: anything that depends on an orphan, is an orphan
280 2014-03-15 15:46:30 <daybyter> btcdesigner_: you are looking for a collab?
281 2014-03-15 15:47:17 <shesek> btcdesigner_, it would perhaps help people if you linked to some previous work
282 2014-03-15 15:47:32 <shesek> though I'm not sure that's the appropriate channel for that, probably more suitable to #bitcoin
283 2014-03-15 15:47:59 <daybyter> I'm working on tradebot code.
284 2014-03-15 15:48:16 <daybyter> some UI help might be helpful.
285 2014-03-15 15:48:33 <daybyter> but I don't do much webcode yet.
286 2014-03-15 15:48:42 <lle> some ui would make all the diff. make it
287 2014-03-15 15:48:47 <daybyter> this UI has just been started.
288 2014-03-15 15:48:51 <lle> i'm not making it. you make it
289 2014-03-15 15:49:08 <ebfull> sipa: i mean like this http://i.imgur.com/MiYITCr.png
290 2014-03-15 15:49:12 <btcdesigner_> daybyter: yep open to collabs.
291 2014-03-15 15:49:14 <daybyter> I only did java ui yet.
292 2014-03-15 15:49:35 <daybyter> http://i.imgur.com/xpqoqnk.png
293 2014-03-15 15:49:39 <ebfull> if tx3 tries to spend from a non-orphan input, that an orphan tx is spending from, is the orphan tx removed or is the new tx rejected
294 2014-03-15 15:49:56 <daybyter> http://i.imgur.com/MqHfF.jpg
295 2014-03-15 15:50:05 <daybyter> wrote stuff like that.
296 2014-03-15 15:50:22 <daybyter> there are 2 fields with mobile stuff involved.
297 2014-03-15 15:50:53 <daybyter> 1. an android app for controlling the app (running on a server).
298 2014-03-15 15:51:07 <lle> dude screw collabs you could have written the app by now with go
299 2014-03-15 15:51:09 <daybyter> 2. a web UI for the app acting as a trade server.
300 2014-03-15 15:51:19 <lle> i got faith in you
301 2014-03-15 15:51:42 <daybyter> I don't know go.
302 2014-03-15 15:51:52 <sipa> ebfull: there are 3 layers: 1) the blockchain  2) the mempool  3) the orpahn pool
303 2014-03-15 15:51:54 <lle> you could have written the app by now. go. *
304 2014-03-15 15:52:28 <sipa> ebfull: the mempool is always consistent with the blockchain
305 2014-03-15 15:52:33 <sipa> ebfull: but the orphan pool isn't
306 2014-03-15 15:52:39 <btcdesigner_> shesek: some mobile ui work that doesn't show much except aesthetic: http://imgur.com/Yz3xHHk (if anyone's serious about working on a project together, i'm willing to share more past work in private)
307 2014-03-15 15:53:07 <sipa> btcdesigner_: you may want to collaborate with aschildbach, who's the author of bitcoin wallet for android?
308 2014-03-15 15:53:30 <ebfull> sipa: alright, so in my example tx3 would be placed in the mempool, and tx2 would conflict and be removed from maporphans
309 2014-03-15 15:53:45 <ebfull> when would tx2 be removed from mapOrphans? immediately or when a block is solved which creates the conflict
310 2014-03-15 15:53:46 <sipa> ebfull: i believe we don't actually remove things from the orphan pool
311 2014-03-15 15:53:52 <btcdesigner_> sipa: yep—android would be great, quite familiar with it + iOS.
312 2014-03-15 15:53:53 <sipa> ebfull: it just overflows
313 2014-03-15 15:53:56 <ebfull> okay
314 2014-03-15 15:54:24 <daybyter> I also did some btc-e code with phonegap and a simple javascript game.
315 2014-03-15 15:55:05 <daybyter> http://i.imgur.com/qmcEI.png
316 2014-03-15 15:55:22 <jakov> eclipse
317 2014-03-15 15:55:26 <jakov> havent seen that in years
318 2014-03-15 15:55:52 <shesek> btcdesigner_, I'm actually looking for someone to help with a project of mine... but its not mobile, and I probably prefer someone local
319 2014-03-15 15:57:02 <btcdesigner_> shesek: i've done my fair share of web and native desktop software work as well. pm?
320 2014-03-15 15:57:23 <shesek> sure