1 2016-05-16 07:24:01 <jonasschnelli> RainMan28: fixed transaction fees are not recommended.
2 2016-05-16 17:23:44 <timothy> hi, imho you should use something like Mattermost instead of Slack :P
3 2016-05-16 17:49:42 <jaromil> re Slack vs. Matermost, I agree so, so much with timothy...
4 2016-05-16 18:31:16 <instagibbs> well good news, this is irc :)
5 2016-05-16 18:40:01 <bittrex-richie> hey guys.. quick q, we jsut updated to 12.1, but settxfee isn't being respected... is there a trick i'm missing?
6 2016-05-16 18:44:01 <jaromil> instagibbs: lol yes well I heard there is a slack group of usual suspects gaining traction. have no details since I don't use slack, but I guess timothy was referring to that.
7 2016-05-16 22:50:28 <mappum> how are version bits assigned to soft fork deployments? is it `enum DeploymentPos` in consensus/params.h?