1 2016-05-26 17:01:12 <Chris_Stewart_5> Is the var_int encoding in the scriptPubKey wrong inside the genesis block?
 2 2016-05-26 17:01:36 <Chris_Stewart_5> The scriptPubKey length is 66 bytes, while the var_int indicates that it is 67 bytes
 3 2016-05-26 17:02:11 <Chris_Stewart_5> wait ..
 4 2016-05-26 19:09:44 <kanzure> zurich meeting notes https://bitcoincore.org/logs/2016-05-zurich-meeting-notes.txt
 5 2016-05-26 21:21:38 <dirus> is ActivateBestChain called for every new block found?
 6 2016-05-26 21:26:20 <dirus> I see it called in InitBlockIndex, which I think is only called from disk? and in ProcessNewBlock which is always called when a block comes in over the network?
 7 2016-05-26 21:51:18 <dirus> I thought my old transaction was stuck in the mempool, it's not, but for some reason the client still seems to know about the old double spend (actually zero spend) attempt (which was sent from a different client entirely) and lists all my coins as low priority
 8 2016-05-26 23:22:31 <ryan-c> Anyone using python-bitcoinrpc? It appeasr to be totally non-functional.
 9 2016-05-26 23:23:07 <ryan-c> debug shows stuff working, but all commands seem to return none
10 2016-05-26 23:25:13 <ryan-c> ah, the version in pip is just broken :-|