1 2016-11-07 04:30:36 <N3RGY> I'm working on building a service that keeps track of transactions sent to a given address. The address is created by the service at some time, and the service needs to be notified about any confirmed transactions to that address in the future. What local node software will allow me to do this? The best I've found so far is electrum-server
 2 2016-11-07 04:34:13 <N3RGY> Strictly speaking, Electrum-server is a bit more powerful than I need, as it keeps a full address-indexed patricia trie of all past UTXOs, whereas I really only need to be notified of transactions as they happen
 3 2016-11-07 04:57:08 <N3RGY> No one? Hmm
 4 2016-11-07 04:59:28 <dcousens> I wonder what effect allowing miners to increase blocksize in proportion to a reduction of the mining reward, would have (for example, up to 100% increase in size for 100% loss of the mining reward)
 5 2016-11-07 18:45:06 <markthedark> hello! i'm trying call the getblocktemplate RPC method with curl in C, but get a weird response from the server running on testnet. http://pastebin.com/jkkzQm68
 6 2016-11-07 18:46:48 <Lightsword> markthedark try with this https://bitbucket.org/ckolivas/ckpool/src/177b8165352d32dd18ae2f3620b49be1338fbddd/src/bitcoin.c?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#bitcoin.c-94
 7 2016-11-07 18:47:52 <markthedark> thx, i'll give it a try
 8 2016-11-07 18:49:07 <markthedark> great, that did the trick, thanks!
 9 2016-11-07 20:14:21 <satosh-777-xl> Hey all, I have a question related to project code / style guidelines. I understand that bitcoin core is moving away from the use of boost and BOOST_FOREACH loops in favor of normal C++11 for loops.
10 2016-11-07 20:15:01 <satosh-777-xl> Would this for loop be acceptable currently? for (Class c : vClass) { c.nonce++ }
11 2016-11-07 20:28:16 <arubi> satosh-777-xl, probably better to ask in #bitcoin-core-dev
12 2016-11-07 20:28:40 <arubi> or, there's some guideline in the git repo, dunno if you saw that
13 2016-11-07 20:30:56 <satosh-777-xl> arubi thanks, I have looked at the guidlines but it has been long enough that I should check again... If I don't find an answer then I'll go try asking core-dev!
14 2016-11-07 21:04:04 <satosh-777-xl> On the off chance that anyone finds this and wants to know the answer, I formatted the for loop wrong and here is how you should actually do it:
15 2016-11-07 21:04:05 <satosh-777-xl> <sipa> for (Class c& : vClass) {
16 2016-11-07 21:04:24 <satosh-777-xl> but if you do it correctly, it is acceptable for bitcoin core pull requests