1 2017-01-14 00:09:35 <akrmn> basically, private_key_i = private_key_0 + hash_i, so public_key_i = point(private_key_i)= point(private_key_0+hash_i)) = public_key_0 + point(hash_i) , by distributivity of addition and multiplication in elliptic curve space
 2 2017-01-14 04:03:23 <dabura667> Block usage rate based proposals can be gamed by miners because miners can just generate as many transactions as they want and fill up the block. Fees do not prevent this.
 3 2017-01-14 04:03:23 <dabura667> But, for instance, if a company like Coinbase says to themselves "ok, if blockchain is limited to x size per block we lose y in projected revenue." and could then use proof of burn for less than y to prevent that constraint, I think that would be reasonable.
 4 2017-01-14 04:03:23 <dabura667> it would then require someone who wants to game the system to acquire a large sum of bitcoins.
 5 2017-01-14 04:03:23 <dabura667> on the topic of dynamic blocksize proposals: what about a proof-of-burn based blocksize model?
 6 2017-01-14 04:03:56 <dabura667> and destroy them
 7 2017-01-14 04:07:20 <dabura667> if blocks are full consistently and fee market rises consistently, that should make it slightly cheaper burn to raise the blocksize.
 8 2017-01-14 04:08:48 <dabura667> like if blocksize is > 90% average over last 2016 blocks, then blocksize increase price is slightly lower for the next period (or rather, you get a boost of extra blocksize than what you were aiming for with your money burn
 9 2017-01-14 04:14:40 <dabura667> Then I think we should base the price on the average fees in the previous blocks
10 2017-01-14 04:15:14 <dabura667> if miners try to manipulate fees too high then people will stop using onchain and reduce actual revenue for all miners
11 2017-01-14 23:06:53 <arthurb> Is there a way for a signature to sign only the subScript and not the whole txin so it can be reused for several txins ?
12 2017-01-14 23:09:49 <arthurb> Use case, you have a bunch of txouts with the same script. You would like to pour all of them into one output, but you don't want to sign each and everyone of them.