1 2017-04-22 05:20:26 <rugu> hey anyone know how exactly these bitcoin wallets, let users send transactions without them having the full node, as that is the only way one can get their utxo?
2 2017-04-22 06:50:51 <arubi> in the future..  cheers for making the case for #1.  it'd clean up some code on my end at least.
3 2017-04-22 06:50:51 <arubi> luke-jr, re. "Segwit v2", huge ACK on item #1!  for item #2, I was actually thinking somewhat the opposite, to the point of only allowing a witness for a scriptpubkey '<witness version> <32 bytes>' (p2wpkh utility will become p2wsh(p2pk) ), but I don't have a strong objection to doing it your way because I'm sure there would be uses.. could for example require a soft forked encumbrance in the witness for old scriptpubkeys that might be broken