1 2017-04-23 07:12:51 <rugu> Hi guys, I am making an online wallet with some friends for our personal use, so wanted to know, when I send a transaction via a wallet, since its not a node, where does the utxo come from? and How do the wallet providers maintain a db with relevant utxos? Could someone give some tips please?
 2 2017-04-23 07:13:53 <rugu> Parsing each block and maintaining a separate db for the keys belonging to the wallet, seems a bit tedious
 3 2017-04-23 07:19:21 <cannon-c> rugu perhaps check out coinbin, its a web based javascript wallet, it gets utxo from 3rd party services using an API i.e. blockchain.info for example
 4 2017-04-23 07:19:45 <rugu> yes but I want to learn to create that 3rd party service that provides utxo
 5 2017-04-23 07:20:03 <rugu> I read about the site and even trezor uses them for the same purpose
 6 2017-04-23 07:20:44 <cannon-c> to create own server for API purpose? maybe check out if github has blockchain.info source code
 7 2017-04-23 07:21:50 <cannon-c> trezor server source code is on github also, which may be good reference
 8 2017-04-23 07:22:52 <rugu> not there on github.
 9 2017-04-23 07:23:14 <rugu> i tried to search for it, stackexchange suggests parsing all the blocks, or running a full node and reading utxos from leveldb
10 2017-04-23 07:24:10 <rugu> but handling that and the mempool of unconfirmed trasnactions becomes tricky for me
11 2017-04-23 14:22:50 <rugu> anyone know how wallets track utxo of their addresses?