1 2017-05-09 20:58:53 <suryab> i'm trying to start a node from another node's `blocks` and `chainstate` directories
 2 2017-05-09 20:59:12 <suryab> according to the wiki it should be possible but for some reason i still have to `-reindex` or bitcoin throws an error
 3 2017-05-09 20:59:47 <suryab> i assumed that since the chainstate was prebuilt there shouldn't be integrity issues
 4 2017-05-09 21:02:56 <goatpig> you shouldn't have any issues
 5 2017-05-09 21:03:06 <goatpig> are you trying to run both nodes simultaneously?
 6 2017-05-09 21:06:05 <suryab> no
 7 2017-05-09 21:06:26 <suryab> i have a backup of a node's `block` and `chainstate` directories
 8 2017-05-09 21:06:56 <suryab> and I have created a new `blocks` and `chainstate` directories that contain symlinks to all the `.dat` files in the backup
 9 2017-05-09 21:07:08 <suryab> so all the `blk-*.dat`, etc
10 2017-05-09 21:07:14 <suryab> but the backup is static
11 2017-05-09 21:07:20 <suryab> so nothing is writing to the same place
12 2017-05-09 21:08:00 <suryab> it's just that the node should then start writing starting after the last `blk-*.dat` file
13 2017-05-09 21:08:12 <suryab> and essentially pick up where the state was left off
14 2017-05-09 21:08:17 <suryab> and essentially pick up where the state left off
15 2017-05-09 23:22:19 <coin_trader> apart, any clue why is the satoshi per byte value different? since when did paytxfee become affected by number of inputs? it should be absolute size based, no?
16 2017-05-09 23:22:19 <coin_trader> final value "per kb" and is instead doing something specific for each inputs/output... both of these examples were with the same paytxfee of 0.0016767 BTC: https://blockchain.info/tx/4094757aaf2db33d8825de8f77206b89c65bda6ef7f6a2d5416298c7dc9f9578 and https://blockchain.info/tx/9660e2a73ec6b4191d69e1b1ea5ebee9ee3e9bbc227245a4c856680da73a26db -- they were sent very shortly
17 2017-05-09 23:22:19 <coin_trader> is there a value OTHER than paytxfee that will affect a transaction's mining fee? has anything changed between 0.13.2 and 0.14.1 in that respect? i'm noticing a very small but consistent & variable amount of "extra" fee beyond the explicit paytxfee that gets set every few seconds. This did not occur prior to upgrading to 14.1 .... either this, or the paytxfee no longer respects
18 2017-05-09 23:24:42 <coin_trader> or it's something else... https://blockchain.info/tx/8dbaed8c368ccb81d14970567c88747e2bdf88343d377c94ea16c9e27a116bbd this one was with a paytxfee value of 0.0017433 ... am i crazy that it should not be doing this?
19 2017-05-09 23:48:06 <achow101> coin_trader: it's probably that if it actually used the paytxfee value that it would produce a dust output, so it just rolls that amount into the transaction fee. the goal is to reduce unnecessary outputs, especially ones that are unspendable
20 2017-05-09 23:52:01 <coin_trader> ahh hmm interesting, that could very well be it