1 2017-05-10 01:16:07 <instagibbs> coin_trader, there are currently some long-standing issues with fee amounts when the wallet has a lot of inputs.
 2 2017-05-10 01:17:12 <instagibbs> The most egregious examples should be fixed by 0.15.
 3 2017-05-10 02:03:38 <coin_trader> instagibbs: define "lots" please? few dozen, few hundred, or few thousand?
 4 2017-05-10 02:09:29 <instagibbs> coin_trader, i didnt say "lots"?
 5 2017-05-10 02:09:54 <coin_trader> ok, well "a lot" same difference..
 6 2017-05-10 02:11:13 <instagibbs> oh hah, i scanned my response 3 times and missed it
 7 2017-05-10 02:11:58 <instagibbs> more than a typical user... dozens?
 8 2017-05-10 02:12:31 <instagibbs> see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/10247
 9 2017-05-10 13:19:19 <Chris_Stewart_5> I don't think a tx can have hundred(s) of inputs while be standard
10 2017-05-10 13:22:59 <sturles> Why not?
11 2017-05-10 13:26:26 <Chris_Stewart_5> sturles: I thought we had a policy set limit on how big a tx could be, but it looks like I was wrong. It looks like txs can be up to the size of the max block size
12 2017-05-10 13:26:32 <Chris_Stewart_5> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/f7a21dae5dbf71d5bc00485215e84e6f2b309d0a/src/main.cpp#L939
13 2017-05-10 13:27:26 <solidfox> is there a gui for creating multisig addresses and transaction in bitcoin-core? if not, is that something that the project would want?
14 2017-05-10 13:29:11 <Chris_Stewart_5> solidfox: It is really hard to 'quantify' who wants what in Bitcoin Core. The best way to go about it is write a pull request implementing and see what the response is
15 2017-05-10 13:29:56 <Chris_Stewart_5> I don't use the GUI so I can't give you a good answer unfortunately :-(. That functionality is available in bitcoin-cli
16 2017-05-10 13:32:23 <solidfox> Chris_Stewart_5, I'd rather not write something complicated like that before finding out that it is already decided to be unwanted. If you didn't hear anything about it being unwanted that's fine, thanks.
17 2017-05-10 14:18:56 <instagibbs> solidfox, you can file an issue in the github and see what people think first
18 2017-05-10 14:19:18 <instagibbs> failing that, ask in #bitcoin-core-dev
19 2017-05-10 14:19:49 <solidfox> instagibbs, ah thanks
20 2017-05-10 14:20:25 <instagibbs> getting a feel for what the devs think, and arguing your case, is step 1 in other words
21 2017-05-10 14:38:25 <coin_trader> is there a reason why confirmed transactions will still be flagged as "double spend" ? and why the low-fee version of an RBF stays in memory after the high-fee tx gets confirmed?  Examples: https://blockchain.info/tx/0c5d2b05c5f8dd6d1f5209f88d8cbb366ab3adb12d55d8f96891b5fd6594193a & https://blockchain.info/tx/38e5f9ceee388bfaed33e401736212dbcc2a59a2a5617a41fd3a55e4fe669639
22 2017-05-10 14:40:10 <coin_trader> i'm going to wager this is a blockchain.info issue (shocker) because it's not in my node's mempool nor in tradeblock's explorer - but figured i'd report it anyways
23 2017-05-10 14:42:54 <instagibbs> still reporting bc.i issues? Cute :)
24 2017-05-10 14:43:02 <coin_trader> ^ lol
25 2017-05-10 14:43:03 <Chris_Stewart_5> lol
26 2017-05-10 14:44:04 <coin_trader> btw props to whoever made the bumpfee code. that shit is bad-ass
27 2017-05-10 14:49:03 <goatpig> This is most likely attached meta data
28 2017-05-10 19:51:29 <JackH> By default, the ZeroMQ feature is automatically compiled in if the necessary prerequisites are found. To disable, use --disable-zmq during the configure step of building bitcoind:
29 2017-05-10 19:52:05 <JackH> does this mean that ZeroMQ comes with the binaries of the latest bitcoin?
30 2017-05-10 20:16:49 <coin_trader> the fuck happened on may 3rd? shit ton more data on my node -> http://imgur.com/a/IEeyb pretty stark... good thing i got hella sweet data limits....