1 2017-08-05 07:33:20 <dconroy> i built this opensource crypto price tracker for ethereum and bitcoin, supports 6 exchanges. check it out, feedback welcome https://github.com/EthVentures/CryptoTracker
2 2017-08-05 10:58:33 <bartholomaus> Can I send satoshi from bitcoind RPC without relying on accounts?
3 2017-08-05 11:37:12 <sturles> Yes.  Use sendtoaddress.
4 2017-08-05 11:37:40 <sturles> There is no sendmany, however.
5 2017-08-05 11:39:03 <sturles> To use sendmany, you must send from an account.  Just use "", and it will use the default account like sendfrom.