1 2017-09-03 00:31:00 <dviola> hi
 2 2017-09-03 00:31:03 <dviola> will SPV make it for 0.16?
 3 2017-09-03 00:31:25 <dviola> https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/9483
 4 2017-09-03 09:04:11 <sturles> I have been running the following for a few days: while sleep 10; do bitcoin-cli getblocktemplate | jq '.transactions | .[] | select(.hash != .txid) | .txid' >> swtxlog; done
 5 2017-09-03 09:05:12 <sturles> So far swtxlog is empty, and my node (0.15 from git as of a few days ago) has still not reported any blocks > 1 MB.
 6 2017-09-03 09:05:39 <sturles> I have set blockmaxweight=4000000 and blockmaxsize is undefined.
 7 2017-09-03 09:05:58 <sturles> $ awk '/block weight/{if ($6 > maxs) maxs = $6; if ($9 > maxw) maxw = $9}END{printf "max size: %d  max weight: %d\n", maxs, maxw}' .bitcoin/debug.log
 8 2017-09-03 09:06:01 <sturles> max size: 998231  max weight: 3992816
 9 2017-09-03 09:06:28 <sturles> Can this be correct?
10 2017-09-03 09:32:42 <meshcollider> is the node fully synced? there have definitely been a few blocks over 1mb
11 2017-09-03 10:07:00 <sturles> Yes, of course.
12 2017-09-03 10:07:58 <sturles> This is not stats over incoming blocks, it is the blocks my node would create if it was mining.
13 2017-09-03 10:25:24 <sturles> I have done many segwit transactions myself while this has been running, even with an almost empty mempool this weekend.  My own segwit transactions would have shown in swtxlog if this method of finding segwit transactions worked.
14 2017-09-03 14:06:27 <asimplecoder> hey is there a api for pushing transactions?
15 2017-09-03 14:06:35 <asimplecoder> my bitcoind server wont work
16 2017-09-03 14:06:44 <asimplecoder> so i just can send my transactions to
17 2017-09-03 14:08:59 <asimplecoder> like public bitcoind servers
18 2017-09-03 14:11:59 <sturles> Try blockchain.info/pushtx
19 2017-09-03 14:12:34 <sturles> Or just google for bitcoin pushtx, and you will find many similar services.