1 2017-10-14 12:44:26 <shmoon> I have a question regarding https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide#pubkey - Is it referring to the fact that in txn outputs public key (derived from private key) isn't directly used because it is insecure but instead a public key hash is used (derived from public key, as specific in the P2PKH section) ?
 2 2017-10-14 12:50:06 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: yep
 3 2017-10-14 12:50:37 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: 'insecure' is an exaggeration, less secure is more accurate
 4 2017-10-14 12:51:32 <shmoon> esotericnonsense: In that case I have 2 follow up questions, 1. Howcome multisig as defined here https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide#multisig use public keys then and not public key hashes ? and 2. How are public key insecure and public key hash which is derived form the same piece of data, i.e., public key, secure ?
 5 2017-10-14 12:51:45 <shmoon> infact if you see the first example under multi sig that's pretty much a P2PKH transaction but instead of using key hashes its using the key itself.
 6 2017-10-14 12:52:09 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: notice 'Although P2SH multisig is now generally used for multisig transactions'
 7 2017-10-14 12:52:58 <shmoon> the P2SH multisig also uses public keys not hashes :D
 8 2017-10-14 12:53:24 <esotericnonsense> yes but the pubkeys are not revealed until the spending/scriptsig stage
 9 2017-10-14 12:53:34 <esotericnonsense> (as is also true for single p2pkh)
10 2017-10-14 12:55:18 <esotericnonsense> you can think of p2pkh as sort of being a special case of p2sh
11 2017-10-14 12:55:29 <esotericnonsense> it precedes the introduction of p2sh
12 2017-10-14 12:55:38 <shmoon> no they are revealed in the pubkey script stage (output of previosu transaction) ?
13 2017-10-14 12:56:29 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: a p2sh outputs's scriptpubkey is op_hash160 hash op_equal
14 2017-10-14 12:56:33 <shmoon> The `Pubkey script` or `Redeem script` in multisig of P2SH or the simple one has the public key
15 2017-10-14 12:56:47 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: yeah that's not the p2sh multisig that's bare multisig
16 2017-10-14 12:57:15 <esotericnonsense> the redeem script p2sh one is not revealed until spending
17 2017-10-14 12:57:25 <esotericnonsense> only the hash is in the pubkey script
18 2017-10-14 12:58:59 <esotericnonsense> the sigscript for p2sh looks like 'rest of sig script' 'push redeem script'; the sigscript actually contains the redeem script
19 2017-10-14 12:59:05 <shmoon> you mean redeem script (that contains public key) is with signature script only - part of input of the transaction that spends the UTXO ?
20 2017-10-14 12:59:40 <esotericnonsense> yes, it's split into three (pubkey script, redeem script, signature script) because the redeem script is pushed as part of the sigscript, not just concatenated
21 2017-10-14 13:00:45 <esotericnonsense> it's just more readable that way I think rather than having sigscript say something like OP_0 <A sig> <C sig> < OP_2 <A pubkey> .... > and having nested pushes
22 2017-10-14 13:00:47 <shmoon> oh I though redeem was pushed with scriptpubkey
23 2017-10-14 13:00:53 <esotericnonsense> nope, just the hash
24 2017-10-14 13:01:52 <shmoon> ah got it now, maybe the documentation can be changed in that case. would make it less readable but more understandable!
25 2017-10-14 13:02:20 <shmoon> but still why not use pubhash instead of pubkey and save on space! :)
26 2017-10-14 13:06:36 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: it wouldn't save space because you'd have to give the pubkey with the signature
27 2017-10-14 13:06:54 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: notice that in the bare multisig case there the sigscript only contains sigs and not sig + pubkey
28 2017-10-14 13:08:22 <esotericnonsense> shmoon: p2sh already provides security of the pubkeys prior to spending because all that's in the chain (e.g. the p2sh address) is a hash of the redeem script
29 2017-10-14 13:08:42 <esotericnonsense> so you'd be hashing some hashes
30 2017-10-14 14:15:31 <camarads> hey guys. is there any way to see the ancestors or descendants of a txid using bitcoind rpc api ?
31 2017-10-14 14:15:50 <camarads> the tx id's are generated by me.
32 2017-10-14 17:18:16 <ZiNC> Hey.
33 2017-10-14 17:20:28 <ZiNC> I'm trying to understand a few tech details, though from an end-user perspective. I hope the #'s right place.
34 2017-10-14 17:55:53 <Sentineo> ZiNC: #bitcoin is mutch better suited for you then, please ask there
35 2017-10-14 17:56:53 <ZiNC> No luck so far, but alright.
36 2017-10-14 18:48:00 <shmoon> esotericnonsense: thanks that was helpful :)
37 2017-10-14 19:02:38 <shmoon> esotericnonsense: still around ?
38 2017-10-14 19:32:47 <camarads> hey guys. does somebody know the bitcoind cmd to list all the unconfirmed transactions from my wallet ?
39 2017-10-14 19:39:25 <arubi> bitcoin-cli listunspent 0 0 ?
40 2017-10-14 19:50:28 <shmoon> Trying to understand https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-guide#null-data - my understanding is these are empty transactions without any inputs and only outputs which contain amounts as 0 and pubkey as OP_RETURN 83 bytes data. Idea is to be able to store random data inside the block that can be used for some specific bookkeeping purpose. Is my understanding correct ?
41 2017-10-14 19:50:55 <shmoon> the guide also says they can be automaticlaly pruned, not sure if I understand the meaning of that. Can somebody explain that as well.
42 2017-10-14 19:58:27 <camarads> arubi nope, that is the unspent transactions, i want the entire list of unconfirmed transactions from my wallet
43 2017-10-14 19:59:39 <arubi> that should give you unspent outputs in your wallet that have zero confirmations I think
44 2017-10-14 20:00:27 <camarads> i need all my unconfirmed transactions, not only the unspent outputs
45 2017-10-14 20:01:23 <arubi> you you mean outbound
46 2017-10-14 20:01:59 <camarads> don't know the term outbound , sorry :|
47 2017-10-14 20:02:13 <arubi> you mean unconfirmed transactions that you sent?
48 2017-10-14 20:02:19 <camarads> yes
49 2017-10-14 20:03:14 <arubi> bitcoin-cli listtransactions  | grep -A1 'confirmations": 0,'
50 2017-10-14 20:04:06 <camarads> nope. it shows 10 lines
51 2017-10-14 20:04:13 <camarads> i have more than that unconfirmed
52 2017-10-14 20:05:02 <arubi> not sure, that's a list of transactions in your wallet with 0 confirmations
53 2017-10-14 20:05:41 <camarads> i've read the help file but didn't find
54 2017-10-14 22:33:47 <iwkse> hi, I was going to sync the blockchain and I get a segfault running the core, https://pastebin.com/536YyKVe
55 2017-10-14 22:34:26 <iwkse> datadir is on an external usb disk