1 2017-12-11 08:34:57 <fnb_theory> How many concurrent RPC calls can be made to 0.15.1?
 2 2017-12-11 09:16:53 <keymone> what is the advantage of utxo versus atomically updating the account balance in some kv store?
 3 2017-12-11 15:02:38 <nazarewk> where does the 25 number come from in address validation code? http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bitcoin/address_validation#Python
 4 2017-12-11 15:03:02 <nazarewk> my testnet generated 26 characters length address using this code
 5 2017-12-11 15:03:20 <nazarewk> 2MuvXMuF6PYxQCwSQJL5QVpxT7yzRuZxobi
 6 2017-12-11 15:49:06 <ponzibanker> Is the chainstate updated after the transaction is created and validated by a full node or after a new block is validated by a full node?
 7 2017-12-11 15:54:23 <SmashShock> Hey dudes. Say I'm a miner, and I want to include a transaction in my block (200000), say, 200BTC from A->B. A got bitcoin from C back in block 5, and I need to verify that A still has that bitcoin to spend, to send to B. How on earth do miners so quickly check all previous blocks to verify transactions?
 8 2017-12-11 15:54:25 <SmashShock> Cheers!
 9 2017-12-11 17:26:10 <keymone> SmashShock: i imagine miners do a full sync and then just trust the utxo set
10 2017-12-11 17:49:36 <garit> Hi, what should i google to find a part of bit coin wallet that keeps sending a transaction to the network(even if transaction has almost zero fee). Does it exist? Does transaction get sent more than once?
11 2017-12-11 17:50:37 <arubi> they could be retried, yes.  you can run with -walletbroadcast=0 so it won't unless you specifically run "sendrawtransaction <tx hex>"
12 2017-12-11 17:51:06 <arubi> if you're talking about core that is :)
13 2017-12-11 17:51:29 <garit> Yes core. I want to point to a place/key that shows that core by default resends tx
14 2017-12-11 17:51:58 <garit> walletbroadcast=0 might do, googling
15 2017-12-11 17:52:04 <arubi> alright
16 2017-12-11 17:53:58 <garit> Does =1 make 1 broadcast event, or many?
17 2017-12-11 17:54:38 <arubi> =1 is the default which means the wallet broadcasts transactions, and will retry if needed
18 2017-12-11 17:55:37 <garit> yes, that's what i wanted, thank you!
19 2017-12-11 17:55:43 <arubi> cheers
20 2017-12-11 17:57:09 <white_magic> hi, does anyone here pull their balances from exchanges using the APIs?
21 2017-12-11 17:57:33 <arubi> *shudder*
22 2017-12-11 18:00:56 <white_magic> ?
23 2017-12-11 18:04:33 <arubi> white_magic, joking about keeping anything on an exchange.  'no' from me for you question
24 2017-12-11 19:49:05 <garit> Is there any data available for total amount of transactions issued everywhere to determine % that ends up discarded(due to fee) or included in a block?
25 2017-12-11 19:50:32 <arubi> not anything coherent.  eventually it's what the local node hears about.  some block explorers list unconfirmed transactions that got relayed to them, or from them
26 2017-12-11 19:52:07 <garit> Is there any estimate on all tx to confirmed tx? Even some local data would be good
27 2017-12-11 19:53:20 <arubi> I don't know of one.  I expect almost all transactions to make it into a block at some point.  a 1/sat byte fee tx of mine took one month to confirm (with me retrying), but it did eventually
28 2017-12-11 19:54:44 <garit> but most tx with unconfirmed period longer than a week got substituted by a higher fee to avoid uncertainty. this will make many tx obsolete by the time it is ready to be included in a block, i guess
29 2017-12-11 19:55:25 <arubi> well, that's why you shouldn't search for a payment by the txid.  use the address that was supposed to get paid